How a new tool made this organization more agile

Choosing new tools for your organization can be a challenge, but the right tool can actually make you more agile. Here we present an example from a large Danish organization (which wished to remain anonymous) that needed new enterprise software. The organization has a large IT department that serves more than 15,000 end users.

Increase developer productivity - the right way!
Measuring productivity is not easy. All too often, we lose ourselves in tracking time spent, number of lines of code, number of commits, or time for code review. However, these measurements omit a very important part of development: How well does the function meet the users' needs? True productivity is when the delivery meets the requirements - quickly!
How to become truly agile with the right tool

Agile is often a buzzword we like to throw around. In reality, most companies are hampered by outdated legacy software, technical debt, and shadow IT, which make it difficult to respond to changes or implement new features. However, the right development tool can improve an organization's agility by allowing rapid changes and continuous user involvement.